New Job at UNICEF Tanzania, Consultant

Position: Consultant for The National WASH Advocacy Package for Religious Groups in Tanzania
Job Number: 522626
Locations: Africa: Tanzania,Uni.Re
Work Type : Consultancy
If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you. 
In Tanzania, latrine coverage is high though much of it is composed of unimproved latrines. The 2015-16 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) reported that only 19% of the households used improved sanitation while 73% in rural areas used unimproved sanitation and 10% practiced open defecation. In the survey, a relatively high diarrhoea prevalence of 12% for children under five was reported. The high prevalence indicates that people are living in a faecally-contaminated environment. The challenge has been moving the big proportion of people using unproved latrines up the sanitation ladder and those practicing open defecation to adopt improved latrines. This calls for innovative strategies to help register results for children.
Local religious groups are usually found at the heart of the communities, not only upholding beliefs, cultural values and social traditions, but also as a force for positive change and development. The local religious groups present an opportunity to deliver and sustain improved sanitation and hygiene behaviors in Tanzania; as many as 97 per cent follow Christianity and Islam[1] in the mainland, while almost all people in Zanzibar are Muslim. A research by Tearfund,[2] (a CSO), identified five roles that religious leaders can engage in to contribute towards sustainable sanitation and hygiene promotion. They are: messenger, demonstrator, implementer, guardian, and advocate. In Tanzania, religious groups have adopted these roles in Njombe District where they participated in CLTS committees at the village level. The religious leaders were tasked with the responsibility of demonstration by constructing and using improved latrines at their institutions and homes and sensitizing their followers on issues to do with sanitation and hygiene. It is believed that this action contributed to the impressive results already recorded by Njombe DC of 99% improved household latrine coverage compared to other districts in the region.
According to the TDHS 2015/2016, 10% of Tanzanians still practice open defecation, in addition to a huge burden of 73% of the rural population using unimproved latrines that do not protect them from fecal contamination. Diarrhoea, one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among populations, accounts for 12% of the disease burden in children under 5 in Tanzania (TDHS 2015/2016). Globally, 88% of all diarrhoea is attributed to poor Water, sanitation and hygiene. Cholera is an indicator of ingestion of faecal matter either through food or water and as of 8th August 2018, there were 32,067 cases with 532 deaths and CFR 1.7 (MOHCDGEC daily report; WHO Fact Sheet 2018). Statistics on stunting in Tanzania are not any better. According to the TDHS 2015-2016, 2.7million (34%) of Tanzanian children suffer from stunted growth.
The WASH Advocacy package with religious leaders will guide on the different avenues where/how religious groups could contribute to engage in the WASH agenda in the country hence contributing to the achievement of National Sanitation Campaign, Tanzania Development Vision 2025, and the Sustainable Development Goals commitments by the Government of Tanzania to achieve a 100% basic sanitation service level by 2030. There is therefore an opportunity to nurture intentional engagement of a stakeholder group that has traditionally been left out of the WASH agenda in the country yet they have an enormous outreach to over 97% of Tanzanians.
This Advocacy WASH Package with religious leaders will also contribute to the UNICEF Tanzania Country Programme 2016/2021, Outputs 3 and 4 and is in line with the UNDAP WASH and Nutrition Outcomes in support of the Government of Tanzania and Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar's coordinated, scaled up national response for improved water, sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition. 
The purpose and Objectives of the Consultancy
This assignment is aimed to support the Tanzania InterFaith Partnership (TIP) to develop a comprehensive WASH advocacy package with Religious Groups in Tanzania in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly, and Children, (MoHCDGEC). It aims to build capacity of trainers drawn from religious groups and the MoHCDGEC and strengthen skills and knowledge about what/how religious groups can contribute to the WASH agenda and SDG 6 in Tanzania.
The consultancy has the following specific objectives:
  1. To lead the development of a comprehensive WASH Package for working with religious groups in Tanzania.
  2. To provide national training of trainers to a group of religious leaders and MoHCDGEC and Local Government personnel to cascade the comprehensive WASH advocacy package to religious groups’ leadership at regional and sub-national level
  3. To provide post-training follow-up to select facilitators during their cascade of the training in Mbeya, Iringa, and Njome Regions as well as to TEC.

Specific Tasks
In order to meet the objectives above, the consultant will undertake the following tasks:
  1. Develop  a TOT manual with the major religious groups in Tanzania (one each for Muslims and Christians)
  2. Develop a simplified WASH in religion pocket reference – this should be simple enough for any cleric to pull out and quickly find relevant content when preparing sermons
  3. Produce a flier of the National School WASH and WASH in Health Care Facilities guidelines for the religious groups.
  4. Develop media briefs for Journalists for both print and digital media.
  5. Develop IEC materials: which will include but not be limited to 4 short video clips, flip charts, posters and a fact sheet for training, radio and TV spots.
  6. Carry out field testing of the materials developed.
  7. Develop a monitoring framework to help track the impact of the engagement with religious leaders on WASH.
  8. Use the developed materials to Carry out one National TOT to 1) religious leaders and MoHCDGEC; 2) LGA personnel in UNICEF supported districts; and 3) the TEC Health and Education networks
The inception work under this consultancy will be prefaced with a thorough literature review of the current landscape of sanitation and hygiene issues in Tanzania and globally, as well as interviews with relevant stakeholders, in order to inform the shape and scope of the WASH advocacy package.
The review and finalization of the document will rely on, but not limited to:
  • Mapping/ review of the available guidelines and IEC materials on WASH in Tanzania.
  • Review any other studies and reviews done on working with religious groups to advance children and women rights
  • Conduct meetings with key water, sanitation and hygiene sector partners and WASH sector ministries
  • TIP will facilitate the formation of a working group from the four major religious groups in Tanzania and from the four sector ministries to support the consultant as well as translation of the documents into Swahili. Schedule the working group meetings as need be to facilitate the process.
  • Carry out one National TOT and facilitate coaching to select facilitators to two sub-national training – one in Mbeya and another with TEC.
  • Submit final comprehensive package to TIP and UNICEF (Both Swahili and English versions)

Expected Deliverables
The main deliverables/time lines for this assignment are as follows.....
Opening Date Mon May 27 2019 09:00:00 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time) E. Africa Standard Time
Closing Date
Fri May 31 2019 23:55:00 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time)


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